NOTE! this control panel needs to be moved inside the System Folder for the selected function to take place at boot time.
WARNING! The file system on this volume appears damaged. It is recommended that you run a file recovery utility.
About to erase this volume and create a new file system.
WARNING: This will destroy all information on the selected volume!§Cancel§Erase
About to format this drive and create ^0 new HFS^3 volume^1.
WARNING: This will destroy all information on the selected drive.§Cancel§Format
About to test this drive and create ^0 new HFS^3 volume^1.
WARNING: This will destroy all information on the selected drive.§Cancel§Test
About to create ^0 new HFS^3 volume^1 on this drive.
WARNING: This will destroy all information on the selected drive.§Cancel§Create
About to update disk driver on the selected drive.
WARNING: This should not result in loss of data, but a backup first is recommended. §Cancel§Update
WARNING: This disk was not setup by Silverlining. It was initialized with another program.
To continue will remove the current driver and replace it with the Silverlining Driver.
This volume does not appear to contain a valid System Folder.
Go ahead and make it the Startup volume anyway?§Cancel§Startup Vol
This volume does not appear to contain valid boot blocks.
Go ahead and make it the Startup volume anyway?§Cancel§Startup
This volume does not appear to contain a valid System file.
Go ahead and make it the Startup volume anyway?§Cancel§Startup
This volume does not appear to contain a valid Finder file.
Go ahead and make it the Startup volume anyway?§Cancel§Startup
STOP: To continue will result in loss of any existing data with no possibility of recovery.
Are you sure this is what you want to do?§Continue§Cancel
Note: While this drive does not appear in use by this Mac, it may still be in use on a remote computer. Are you sure you want to spin it down for physical removal?
Note: This drive appears in use by this Mac (and it may still be in use on a remote computer). Are you sure you want to spin it down for physical removal?